Roller shades are easy. They’re easy to operate and easy to maintain. Their design is simple: a long piece of fabric mounted on a roller tube. All the mechanical components of the shade are enclosed in that tube, and the result is a shade that looks sleek and unencumbered by control cords.
To keep your roller shades operating smoothly and looking flawless, you simply need to remember three things:
1. Dusting
2. Vacuuming
3. Spot removal
Aside from that, keeping your roller shade dry and out of reach of grubby hands is all you need to do to keep your roller shades in top shape.
Cleaning Shades for a Healthier Home
A clean shade looks great. Dust and dirt can dull the appearance of your shade. And that dirt and dust can reduce the lifespan of your shades by abrading the fibers of the fabric and increasing the chance of mold, mildew and staining. By regular cleaning, you can extend the life of your shades. The good news is that cleaning a roller shade is simple.

Why Clean Roller Shades are Important
Keeping dirt and dust off your roller shades helps to keep that dirt and dust out of the air. When you raise or lower a dirty shade, you produce dust. Cleaning your shades reduces particles or dirt, dust, and spores and keeps it out of the air.
Types of Roller Shades and Cleaning Methods
Cleaning Vinyl Roller Shades
One of the only advantages of inexpensive vinyl roller shades is that they can be cleaned with soap, water, and a cloth. Because they’re made with a waterproof material, you don’t have to worry about leaving water stains or marks.

Cleaning Fabric Roller Shades
A high-quality fabric roller shade from Graber deserves a little more care. Here are three techniques for keeping your shades clean as new.
Using a feather duster, lower your roller shade and gently go over both sides of the shade with a feather duster. Do this whenever you do dusting throughout your home and you’ll have clean, beautiful shades. Does that sound simple? It is. No need to make a big production out of it—once a month or so is enough to keep your roller shades in top shape.
An alternative to the feather duster is the vacuum cleaner. Using the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner, gently vacuum both sides of your roller shade. Make this part of your monthly cleaning routine.
Spot Cleaning
If your shades should get a small stain, use gentle soap and water to dab and blot the stain. Do not rub or pull the fabric. Simply wet the spot with soapy water and blot it with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is gone.
Can roller shades be washed?
Graber Roller Shades should not be washed. If your shade has more than a few stains or spots of dirt, consider consulting a fabric cleaning professional.
The Bottom Line
A clean roller shade looks great and operates flawlessly. The good news is that keeping your roller shade clean is a simple matter of dusting with a feather duster or vacuuming with the upholstery attachment. And if a spot or stain should occur, a simple blotting with soapy water should do the trick. If these techniques won’t get your shades clean, try seeking a professional cleaner that can use ultrasonic methods to get your shades clean.